Module 4 - Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses
The Management of Schizophrenia
Psychosocial / environmental therapies
Once the acute episode has been treated the focus of care should change from medication and risk
management to recovery of psychosocial functioning and improved quality of life. Poor motivation,
tiredness and loss of concentration resulting from, negative symptoms and residual symptoms of
illness and the sedative effects of medication can also prevent the person from returning to their
previous level of function. The person may not wish to return to their previous routine, especially if
they are concerned about how they behaved when they were unwell. Loss of confidence can also
limit recovery.
In people with dual disability it is important to ensure that they have sufficient additional residential
and community support to allow a graded return to pre morbid function. In the early stages of
recovery the priorities may be improving self-care, increasing activities of daily living and ensuring
that the person has a number of preferred positive activities (for example, seeing their family, going
out for food or going to the movies) which they do not find stressful. Frequent reassurance, plenty of
positive feedback and simple explanation of recent events will be required.
Additional funding may be required (short or long term) to ensure that the person receives sufficient
support, and this may be required long term. Some people require one to one staff support to gain
any benefit from participating in group activities and for some supported community access will be
required. A flexible approach is required that allows for the gradual re-introduction of a normal
routines at a rate that is suitable for the individual. In some cases it is either unsuitable or not
possible for the person to return to their previous activities and less demanding alternatives may be
required. More intensive rehabilitation may be necessary when a person experiences significant
ongoing psychiatric disability.
Sadly in psychotic illness with poor prognosis some people experience a progressive loss of skills and
increasing negative symptoms which do not respond to treatment or to rehabilitation and this has
implications for the level of support they will need in the future.
Psychological therapies
Psychological therapies are increasingly used in the treatment of psychosis in the general population.
Examples include counselling, education, relapse prevention and specialist targeted therapies (such
as cognitive behavioural therapy to challenge auditory hallucinations). Psycho education should be
provided to everyone who has experienced a mental illness, their families and carers. Whilst the
evidence regarding the effectiveness of these therapies in the general population is slowly growing
this is not the case for people with intellectual disability.
It is often necessary to adapt the format, process and content of the psychological therapies when
working with people with intellectual disability. The modifications will depend on the person’s
specific skills and can range from typical word based therapy, through social stories based on the
person’s own experience to the use of visual and picture information, such as the books without
words series. People with significant intellectual disability may understand only the simplest
information about having been unwell and getting better. In such cases it will be important that
families and carers have a full understanding of the person’s mental illness to ensure that they
receive correct and timely treatment. Counselling can provide general support but it is not
appropriate to explore past trauma just after an acute episode of illness.
The topic of psychological therapies is covered in more detail in Module 11.