Module 4 - Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses
The Management of Schizophrenia
The first line treatment for psychotic disorders is antipsychotic medication. Please note that Module
10 deals with medication in more detail.
Treatment with antipsychotic medication can have almost immediate benefits in reducing arousal,
agitation, aggression and distress. The core psychotic symptoms only improve after four to six days of
treatment with regular antipsychotic medication. During this time sedative and hypnotic medications
can be utilised, in addition to antipsychotic medication, to reduce the behavioural disturbance (and
therefore reduce risk), calm the person and improve their sleep. It may be several months before
symptoms resolve more completely and in some people they continue at a less intense level.
The effective dose of antipsychotic medication varies for each individual and side effects are
common and may limit treatment. If a person has been unable to tolerate or has failed to respond to
treatment Clozapine may be recommended which can be very effective but can have significant side
effects and means the person has to have regular blood tests. However it is important to be certain
that the person has been regularly taking their medication before deciding the illness is resistant to
treatment. If the person has not been taking their medication regularly then it may be necessary to
treat the person with other preparations of antipsychotic medications such as rapidly dissolving
tablets, liquids or injections.
Once a person is stable on medication the treatment should continue for at least 2 years, although at
the minimum effective dose which may be less than the dose required fo acute treatment. This
minimises the risk of relapse when the medication is stopped. However, some people require long
term treatment with antipsychotic medication. This is required if there has only been a partial
response to treatment, if the symptoms are continuous or if there are frequent relapses when
medication is reduced or discontinued.
Non-compliance with medication is common. The reasons for this include the fact that antipsychotic
medications have a number of side effects (tremor, for example), and individuals may feel
stigmatised, inconvenienced or limited by having to take medication. Others will have poor insight in
to their illness and believe that they have never been unwell and do not need medication
However, ideally antipsychotic medication should not be abruptly stopped and it is preferable that
the dose is gradually reduced. There should be regular psychiatric review during this time to ensure
that symptoms of relapse are identified early. A significant number of people will relapse when
medication is reduced or discontinued, requiring recommencement of medication
The treatment of negative symptoms also differs from the treatment of acute episodes and negative
symptoms can be difficult to treat.
Mood stabilising medication or antidepressants may be prescribed in schizoaffective disorder or if
there is a strong mood component to a person’s presentation. It is common for people to become
depressed after an acute psychotic episode and it is important to recognise this, exclude negative
symptoms and provide appropriate treatment.