Module 6 - Anxiety Disorders
Related Disorders
These disorders are listed seperately to Anxiety Disorders in DSM-V but are discussed here
as many of the same principles apply to management.
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
This refers to the situation when obsessions (intrusive troubling thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive
behaviours aimed at reducing the anxiety caused by the obsessions) cause a person distress or
interfere with their daily activities. Obsessive-compulsive disorder also has the following features:
The obsessions and compulsions are not viewed as being under the control of outside persons or
They are repetitive and excessive,
They are often purposeless and not inherently enjoyable (temporary relief of tension/anxiety
doesn’t count as enjoyment),
The person may try to resist them (may not occur with long standing symptoms),
Interference with the person’s compulsions causes him or her distress, which may be associated
with aggression.
It can be particularly difficult to differentiate between compulsions, repetitive movements (tics or
stereotypies) and the repetitive behaviours in autism. The diagnosis can be clarified by considering
the onset of symptoms; however people with Autism Spectrum Disorders are at increased risk of co-
morbid Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Other disorders in this category include body dysmorphic disorder, trichotillomania (hair-pulling),
excoriation disorder (skin-picking) and hoarding disorder.
Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
DSM criteria require exposure to a significant traumatic event and that this causes significant
problems for the person’s ability to function, lasting more than one month. The person’s response is
divided into four clusters: re-experiencing, avoidance, negative cognitions and mood, and arousal,
but the person may have symptoms from any cluster. The traumatic event may be “re-experienced”
with recurrent, intrusive and distressing recollections, dreams or flashbacks. In the “avoidance”
cluster the person avoids reminders such as people or places which may be connected with the event
and may be intensely distressed when exposed to reminders. “Negative cognitions and mood” covers
many responses, such as a preoccupation with blame, social withdrawal, anhedonia or memory
problems. In the “arousal” cluster they may present with insomnia, irritability, angry outbursts, poor
concentration, hyper vigilance and a marked startle response.
People with ID are more likely to experience traumatic events, and it is likely that PTSD in people
with ID, particularly people with little or no verbal ability, will present with behavioural disturbance.
Acute Stress Disorder
This is described as a syndrome very similar to PTSD but occuring more than two days, and less than
one month following the trigger event.
Adjustment Disorder
This category may be viewed as a response to a life stress, whether traumatic or not. People with an
adjustment disorder may have symptoms such as depressed mood, anxiety symptoms or disturbed
behaviour, but do not meet the criteria for another disorder.