Module 6 - Anxiety Disorders
Issues in assessing people with intellectual disability for anxiety
People with intellectual disability may have difficulty recognising anxiety symptoms as symptoms of
mental illness and may have lived with their fears and worries for many years. Anxiety symptoms may
go undiagnosed or may be attributed to personality or intellectual disability.
People with intellectual disability may find it difficult to recognise and describe symptoms of anxiety
due to cognitive and language abilities. Examples are:
A person with mild intellectual disability who does not leave the house because of a fear of
dogs may not recognise that those fears are excessive, especially if a dog had bitten them in
the past,
A person with moderate intellectual disability and compulsive hand washing may not be able to
identify the origins of those thoughts, and
Some people with intellectual disability do not have verbal skills and are unable to discuss
symptoms at all.
Anxiety symptoms in people with borderline or mild intellectual disability may be no different to
those experienced by the general population. However anxiety disorders may present with different
symptoms in people with moderate or severe disability. Examples include:
Obsessions and compulsions may not be seen as repetitive and excessive by the person and
there may be no attempt to resist them,
There may be no opportunity to avoid specific situations, places or people if the person has no
say in where they go each day,
Behavioural symptoms such as irritability, aggression and restlessness are more common than in
the general population, and are often attributed to the disability.
These issues are considered in the alternative classification system for people with an intellectual
disability, the DC-LD, which was created to ensure that people with ID and anxiety disorder are not
disadvantaged by criteria created for use in the general population. DC-LD criteria for anxiety differ
from general population criteria by, amongst other things, including objective evidence (such as
observed or reported physical symptoms of anxiety – tremor, shaking, sweating etc.), excluding
overly complex symptoms (such as depersonalisation and derealisation), and including the
behavioural features of anxiety disorders.
Comprehensive assessment is required, as physical disorders and other psychiatric disorders can
present with anxiety symptoms
Examples include:
Physical illness and disorders (e.g. hyperthyroidism, epilepsy)
Behavioural phenotypes can be associated with specific anxiety disorders (Prader-Willi
Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome)
Other psychiatric disorders may present with anxiety smptoms (adjustment disorders, psychotic
Adverse effects of medication (particularly asthma medications, steroids, antidepressants, cold
and flu preparations)
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal (caffeine, nicotine alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and