Module 7 - Personality Disorders
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Self Test - Module 7, Personality Disorder
Personality Disorders
Do not cause distress to the individual concerned.
Are associated with inflexible and maladaptive personality traits.
Cannot be diagnosed in a person with an intellectual disability.
The following is NOT a type of personality disorder
Challenging behaviours in a person with a personality disorder can lead to
Problems with the police.
Exclusion from accommodation, supports and community activities.
Both of the above.
In a person with an intellectual disability, personality disorder can be diagnosed
In early childhood.
In late adolescence.
Over the age of 21.
When working with a person with an intellectual disability who has a personality disorder
Additional support is not usually required.
A consistent approach to the person is essential to avoid splitting.
Challenging behaviour can be assisted by aromatherapy.
Should be Empty:
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