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Self Test - Module 3, Assessment of Mental Health Problems in People with Intellectual Disability
Classification systems for mental illness:
Are equally useful for diagnosing people with an intellectual disability.
Are not valid for use in people with an intellectual disability
May need to be adapted for use in people with an intellectual disability
The diagnosis of mental illness relies upon:
The use of specific diagnostic tests.
The recognition of patterns of symptoms.
The person’s level of intelligence.
In Australia, mental illness is diagnosed primarily using:
The International Classification of Diseases manual (ICD).
Fish’s textbook of psychopathology.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
Mental illness in people with a moderate intellectual disability may present with
An increase in disturbed behaviour.
More verbal complaints.
All of the symptoms seen in the general population.
The Mental Status Examination (MSE):
Cannot be performed accurately in people with an intellectual disability.
Aims to identify the signs and symptoms of mental illness.
Can be performed without the patient being present.
Should be Empty:
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