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Self Test - Module 10, Medication
People with an intellectual disability
May be prescribed medication to treat a behaviour problem without a clear diagnosis.
Should never be prescribed medication to treat a behaviour problem.
Always require medication to treat a behaviour problem.
People with an intellectual disability are prescribed
More medication than the general population.
The same amount of medication as the general population.
Less medication than the general population
Research demonstrates that people with an intellectual disability
Do not suffer from side effects of medication.
Complain about side effects more frequently than the general population.
Are more susceptible to side effects than the general population.
Tolerance (addiction) to benzodiazepine drugs such as Valium
Cannot occur in people with an intellectual disability
Is not a cause for concern in someone with an intellectual disability.
Can occur in the same way as in the general population.
In people with an intellectual disability
It is safe to stop medication without consulting a doctor.
Medication should always be withdrawn slowly on consultation with a doctor.
Medication may need to continue indefinitely without review by a doctor.
Should be Empty:
Module 10 - Medications and other Physical Treatments
Module 1 - Introduction to Dual Disability
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Module 2 - Developmental Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Module 3 - Assessment of mental health problems in people with intellectual disability
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Module 4 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders: Part 1
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Module 5 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders -Part 2
Mood Disorders
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Module 6 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders - Part 3
Anxiety Disorders
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Module 7 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders - Part 4
Personality Disorders
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Module 8 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders - Part 5
Mental and Physical Health
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Module 9 - Challenging Behaviour
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Module 10 - Medication
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Module 11 - Psychological Therapies and Social Interventions
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Module 12 - The Service System
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