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Self Test - Module 1, Introduction to Dual Disability
A mental health problem
Usually causes distress or limitation to a person
Can be triggered by traumatic events
Both of the above
Intellectual disability
Is the same thing as learning disability
Is the same thing as developmental disability
Means the person is likely to need extra supports
Intellectual disability and mental illness are both
Related to brain pathology
A result of deinstitutionalisation
Unable to be effectively treated
People with an intellectual disability are
At higher risk of mental health problems
More likely to access services for mental health problems
Less likely to have challenging behaviours
Developmental risks
Include the person's history of mental illness
Must be evident after the age of 18 years
Describe events in the developmental period
Should be Empty:
Module 1 - Introduction to Mental Health Problems
in People with a Dual Disability
Module 1 - Introduction to Dual Disability
Key Learning Points
Module 2 - Developmental Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Key Learning Points
Module 3 - Assessment of mental health problems in people with intellectual disability
Key Learning Points
Module 4 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders: Part 1
Key Learning Points
Module 5 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders -Part 2
Mood Disorders
Key Learning Points
Module 6 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders - Part 3
Anxiety Disorders
Key Learning Points
Module 7 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders - Part 4
Personality Disorders
Key Learning Points
Module 8 - Specific Psychiatric Disorders - Part 5
Mental and Physical Health
Key Learning Points
Module 9 - Challenging Behaviour
Key Learning Points
Module 10 - Medication
Key Learning Points
Module 11 - Psychological Therapies and Social Interventions
Key Learning Points
Module 12 - The Service System
Key Learning Points