Module 9 - Challenging Behaviours
Physical Investigations
People with mild intellectual disability and good communication skills are generally able to inform
others if they are in discomfort or pain. However, some people with autism spectrum disrders and
some people with an intellectual disability may find it difficult to identify pain and discomfort, and
to communicate this effectively to others.
Painful medical conditions can present with challenging behaviour as their only apparent
manifestation in people with a moderate or severe intellectual disability, and it is essential to seek
out a comprehensive physical review ior these people. Establishing regular contact with a general
practitioner who has an interest in people with an intellectual disability is helpful in the longer term
as well.
Physical examination should include checking, for example, that there is no ear infection, urinary
tract infection, chest infection or any obvious dental problems. Routine blood tests can usually
indicate if there is a need for further investigation. However there are some disorders that may
require specific investigation. These include, for example, performing an ultrasound for gall bladder
problems or ovarian cysts or an endoscopy for gastric ulcers. As these investigations can be invasive
and difficult to administer without cooperation, they are generally only undertaken if the behaviour
is severe and normal strategies are not working.
Physical review should also indicate if a specific genetic syndrome may be contributing to the
behaviour, and if further genetic testing is indicated.