Module 3 - Assessment of Mental Health for People
with an Intellectual Disability
Assessment of Mental Illness
Although carers do not undertake psychiatric assessment it is useful to have an understanding of what
this involves so they can assist with the process. Broadly speaking, the assessment approach for
people with intellectual disability is the same as for anyone else, although in some circumstances
modifications may need to be made which will be described later.
To assess a patient a mental health professional obtains a psychiatric history and undertakes a mental
state examination (see below). The process involves interviewing the patient as well as getting a
history from other sources including previous assessments and interviewing people who know the
person (collateral history).
The key tasks are to obtain an accurate history of the patient’s problems, assess the personality and
other relevant factors that may have contributed to the current problems. The purpose is to make a
formulation that describes why a person has developed this illness at this time and lists probable
diagnoses and generates an appropriate treatment and management plan.
Another important component of a psychiatric assessment is a physical examination, although this is
often done by the GP.
Psychiatric history
In taking a person’s history the aim is to obtain an accurate picture of the person’s current
difficulties, their pre-morbid personality (what their personality was like before they
became unwell) and their background. It is useful to consider history under the following
Demographic Information
For instance: Name (and previous names if this has changed), age, date of birth, address and type of
Presenting Complaint
A brief description of the problem, using the person’s own words if possible. For instance, “I feel sad
and I don’t want to do anything any more.”
History of the presenting complaint
Here the presenting complaint is fully explored. Obtaining this history includes asking about the
nature and severity of symptoms, when they started and if this represents a change from normal.
E.g., “Was there anything that happened that changed how you are feeling? How has this affected
you?” Enquiries should be made about related symptoms, for example self-harm and suicidal ideas in
a person presenting with depression.
Current Treatment
This section would include a list of medications, and other ongoing treatments (for example
behavioural or psychological therapies, speech and language therapy, counselling).
Psychiatric History
This section will cover previous episodes of mental illness and treatment. It should include a drug and
alcohol history.
Medical History
Medical history includes current and past physical disorders. A list of current medications is also
usually taken at this point.
Family History
In taking a family history one asks about the physical and mental health of parents, siblings and other
relatives. It can help determine if there is a genetic cause to the illness but also may reveal how the
person has experienced the impact of illness on their close relatives. However, be careful in how
sensitive information about others is stored and used, and consult the privacy principles of your
organisation if you are in any doubt.
Personal History
The personal history covers all aspects of a person’s life in chronological order. The aim is to gain an
understanding of the individual’s personality, relationships and life experiences It includes details of
a person’s pregnancy, birth, early development, schooling, employment, relationships and any history
of violence or criminal activity.
Intellectual Disability
If there is a specific diagnosis giving rise to the intellectual disability then this should be recorded
here. The person’s usual function should be described, in terms of self-care skills, activities of daily
living, academic abilities, independence and need for support.
Premorbid personality
There are many aspects to personality including a person’s temperament; social interactions and
relationships; interests and hobbies; moral, political and religious beliefs; ambitions, aspirations
confidence and motivation; coping skills and response to stress.
Current social circumstances
This section brings the chronological history up to the current date in terms of where, and with whom
a person lives. It describes the daily activities, interactions and relationships of the people in the
household, including employment, supports, financial arrangements and any difficulties.